Mirrorplay is a gaming hub for a number of San Diego LARPs and online forum games.

If you’d like Mirrorplay to host your forum (and you personally know the owner), feel free to reach out and I’ll try to pull something together for you!


Currently Featured

Mirrorplay: Fae

Mirrorplay: Fae (Portland Edition) is a Portland based Changeling the Dreaming LARP run by the Restless in Portland Troupe starting on 2025, using a live-action adaptation of the Changeling the Dreaming: 20th Anniversary Edition rules set combined with online dice rollers.

In Mirrorplay: Fae, Portland is stirring from a particularly harsh Winter. Perspectives differ as to whether the Endless Winter wasn’t so endless after all, or if this was merely a taste of what’s to come, but as the dreamscape thaws, the hopeful Kithain follow the call to help rebuild Portland to its former glory.

For more information, check out the wiki by clicking on the image above.



Previously Featured

VOD: Pantheon

Pantheon was a San Diego based Werewolf the Apocalypse LARP run by Visions of Darkness from 2022-2023, using a custom built World of Darkness rule set taking from Werewolf the Apocalypse tabletop, Laws of the Wyld, By Night Studios, and other systems. The game was set in Ancient Greece and blurred the lines of World of Darkness and fantasy as characters explored the division between devotion to spirits and gods, becoming heroes of myth themselves.