by Diana Petrov » Mon Nov 21, 2022 3:29 am
Diana smirked and looked around a moment. "Yeah let me just look around." She figured the couple she had chewed on could use some fun. So she would slowly get up and wander over to them. Diana would introduce herself, asking for their names, complementing them on their outfits. Just generally getting to the know, and even buy them a round of their choice. As she goes to pay she would whip out a secondary 100 dollar bill and simply, sets it ablaze in front of the couple with her zippo. She laughs and giggles as she lets the sputtering out bill fall to the floor as she claps, unleashing her magic upon them.
Aphrodisia: Yearn with Scene 1 to affect a second person:
Details:[4d10 (10 10 8 7)] Dif 8: 3 successes
System: The Realm determines who is affected; use of the Time Realm can plant a suggestion in a target's mind to be “set off” later. This is certainly one way of ensuring your date of last evening calls you again… The object of the target's affections need not be present at the time of the cantrip's casting, but he must be familiar with it. A Changeling can't use Yearn to make a person long for something he's only vaguely familiar with, or has seen but never paid all that much attention to. The object must stand out in his mind somehow, even if it's as vague as “that beautiful girl I saw in the window of Cafe Au Lait.”
Making the couple ramp up their affections for one another!
Diana smirked and looked around a moment. "Yeah let me just look around." She figured the couple she had chewed on could use some fun. So she would slowly get up and wander over to them. Diana would introduce herself, asking for their names, complementing them on their outfits. Just generally getting to the know, and even buy them a round of their choice. As she goes to pay she would whip out a secondary 100 dollar bill and simply, sets it ablaze in front of the couple with her zippo. She laughs and giggles as she lets the sputtering out bill fall to the floor as she claps, unleashing her magic upon them.
[size=85]Aphrodisia: Yearn with Scene 1 to affect a second person:
Details:[4d10 (10 10 8 7)] Dif 8: 3 successes
System: The Realm determines who is affected; use of the Time Realm can plant a suggestion in a target's mind to be “set off” later. This is certainly one way of ensuring your date of last evening calls you again… The object of the target's affections need not be present at the time of the cantrip's casting, but he must be familiar with it. A Changeling can't use Yearn to make a person long for something he's only vaguely familiar with, or has seen but never paid all that much attention to. The object must stand out in his mind somehow, even if it's as vague as “that beautiful girl I saw in the window of Cafe Au Lait.”
Making the couple ramp up their affections for one another!