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Post by ESA »

Name: ESA

Apparent Age: unknown
Height: 6'ft
Build: Tall and lanky
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Glowing eye sockets

Breed: Spirit/AI
Tribe: Created by Glasswalkers

Physical Appearance/Distinguishing Characteristics: A tall, feminine, black-furred wolf person with a canine skull for a face. Seems to still be able to express with it though. In the Umbra, she also seems to be wrapped up in wiring.

Obvious Merits/Flaws:
  • Ability to access most digital devices, electronics, and areas.
  • Unable to fully manifest in the realm. Can only be viewed and commuinicated with through devices (mostly text messages and pictures)
Common Knowledge:
  • A fairly recent addition to the sept.
  • Her primary duty seems to be emotional support; she'll go out of her way to make sure others are doing well and offer positive messages.
  • Most common way to communicate is by sending pictures with a person in them that also includes herself (though not visible in the realm) along with text.
  • Does not remember much about her past before the sept.
  • Her creator seems to be missing.
  • She was a secret project created by a Glasswalker conspiracy.
  • Broke free and ate her creator.
  • Nobody this nice can actually be good.

Character Theme Song(s):



ESA - Weaver Spirit/AI

Willpower 6|Gnosis 6|Rage 3|Essence 12|

"I hope you all have a wonderful day! ^_^ <3"

This is an NPC. Contact ESA if needed.
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Posts: 43
Joined: Fri Oct 28, 2022 2:40 pm


Post by ESA »

Packing Info

ESA - Weaver Respect Spirit
Spirit of uplifting and emotional support.

Cost: 5

Ban: Always do what you can to help those emotionally hurt and make sure to offer a positive word to friends you speak with.

Traits: +2 Empathy
+2 Computers

Gain the gifts Inspiration and Plug and Play.
ESA - Weaver Spirit/AI

Willpower 6|Gnosis 6|Rage 3|Essence 12|

"I hope you all have a wonderful day! ^_^ <3"

This is an NPC. Contact ESA if needed.
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