Actually, I prefer to use my phone. Do people buy Dvd's anymore? I am pretty sure most people just stream it on Disney plus. It was the top watched movie on Disney Plus for 3 weeks. And Number 58 in the top 100 Best movies ever according to Empire Magazine. Trust me, Disney saw that.
OOOOOhhh, having a burn party of my own.
And I know the real reason people watched it over and over again.
Ruben Defray Deed name: changes constantly
Homid/Shadow Lord/Fostern/Ragabash | Rage 1 | Purebreed 4 | Fame 4
Chr: 4 (Dashing) / Man: 3 / App: 4 (Tall, dark and handsome) / Wits: 4 (quick) mixed morph, fair glabro, jack of all trades | overconfident, pierced veil, sign of the wolf