Hyun-Jae Moon

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Hyun-Jae Moon

Post by Daltokki »


Name Hyun-Jae Moon; 현재 문;
Professional Name: Jae Moon
Deedname Daltokki

Apparent Age: Late 20s, looks early 20
Height: 5'9"
Build: Slender and very busty
Hair Color: Naturally dark brown, dyed ombre blue purple
Eye Color: Caramel Brown

Breed: Homid
Tribe: Stargazer
Auspice: Galliard

Rank: Adren
Pack: Feel Good Inc.
Camp: Mystery Flavored

Physical Appearance/Distinguishing Characteristics:
Jae is a rather tall Korean woman, standing at around five foot nine inches. She's slender, built with some muscle and is rather busty. She dyes her hair an ombre dark blue and purple after her success and fame after her breakout role in Cephalopod Tournament. Jae wears fashionable clothing, but in her day to day life she's all about comfort, so she can be caught in joggers and sports bras when she isn't doing much. In her lupus form she's a slender and lithe wolf with black fur that has a deep brown brindling. In the umbra Jae exudes moon light and her skin has a bit of a green tinge, she also gives off rabbit vibes.

Obvious Merits/Flaws:
- Metamorph
- Enchanting Voice
- Dogged by Fringe Media
- Ghoulish Sense of Humor

Common Knowledge:
- Started out as a True Crime Youtuber in Seoul
- Picked up to do small time modeling
- Her breakout role was the secondary character Chegal Park in Cephalopod Tournament on Netflix
- Came to the US after being scouted for a few films
- Marriage was outed on Late Night Television which nearly caused her to Frenzy on Camera
- Has a stalker
- Tries to keep her private life private
- Caught in weird positions by paparazzi
- Met her husband Mason Moon (Rocha) on the set of the Raid Remake

- The MCU casting rumors point to her playing Psylocke
- Got married just for citizenship
- Stalker broke into her home while she was away
- Got married in private because she's pregnant
- Tried to eat Jimmy Fallon

Character Theme Song(s):
- 90's Supermodel
- Plastic Doll
- Shangri-La
- Kamisami

Hyun-Jae "Daltokki Chases Comets" Moon
Homid Adren Stargazer Galliard | Rage 4 | SH 3 (Moon Rabbit)
Charisma: 3 - Manipulation: 3 - Appearance: 4 (Innocent)
M: Metamorph - Enchanting Voice | F: Dogged by Fringe Media - Ghoulish Sense of Humor
Fame 4 - Youtuber Turned Actress (Cephalopod Tournament, Upcoming MCU X-Men Project)
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Re: Hyun-Jae Moon

Post by Daltokki »

Hyun-Jae "Daltokki Chases Comets" Moon
Homid Adren Stargazer Galliard | Rage 4 | SH 3 (Moon Rabbit)
Charisma: 3 - Manipulation: 3 - Appearance: 4 (Innocent)
M: Metamorph - Enchanting Voice | F: Dogged by Fringe Media - Ghoulish Sense of Humor
Fame 4 - Youtuber Turned Actress (Cephalopod Tournament, Upcoming MCU X-Men Project)
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