Corax Creation Quick Guide
- Use the Corax
Sheet Templates for the appropriate rank or kin. It'll have all the info you need.
- Starting
Tempers are as follows:
Rage 1,
Gnosis 6, and
Willpower 3.
Sheet Basics:
- List Name & Deed Name, Tribe, Breed, Auspice, Rank, Nature and Demeanor.
- Prioritize Attributes (7/5/3). Every attribute starts at a 1.
- Prioritize Abilities (13/9/5). Nothing above 3 with initial dots. Add +1 Subterfuge, +1 Enigmas, and +1 Athletics as Raven's Gifts.
- Choose Backgrounds (5).
- Choose Gifts (3 Level One from Corax list)
- Choose Rites (2 Level One + any gained from Rites Background)
- Choose Flaws (up to 7) and Merits.
- Record Willpower (3), Rage (1) and Gnosis (6) and spend Freebies (15).
- Gain up to 40 XP (20 Corax, 10 Background, 5 Timeline, 5 Songs).
Expanded Guide
Concept: Choose rank (0-3), breed (Homid or Corvus), auspice (Ragabash), and tribe (Chasers, Leshy, Hermetic Order of Swift Light, The Gulls of Battle, The Morrigan, Murder's Daughters, the Sun-Lost, or Tulugaq). List Tempers.
Attributes: Prioritize the three categories: Physical, Social, Mental (7/5/3). Note that each Attribute starts with one dot before you add any. List a specialty on any Attribute at 4 or higher.
Abilities: Prioritize the three categories: Talents, Skills, Knowledges (13/9/5). No Ability may be higher than 3 at this stage.
- Corvid PCs may not select Computer, Law, Linguistics, Medicine, Politics, or Science with initial points, but may buy them with Freebies. They also gain +2 Flight for free.)
- Homid PCs may not select Flight with initial points, but may buy them with Freebies.
Advantages: Choose 10 Backgrounds (including Secrets and Umbral Maps), 2 Level One Rites, and 3 Level One Gifts from the Corax gift list. If you gain additional Rites or Fetish, be sure to detail your selections further down on your sheet.
Freebies: Gain 15 Freebie Points. You may take Merits (as many as you can afford) and Flaws (up to 7 points worth, which can be added to Freebies).
Gain Starting XP: You can gain XP from the sources below. XP costs are posted
- Corax: 20 XP
- Background: 10 XP
- Timeline: 5 XP
- Songs: 1 XP per song up to 5.
Freebie Costs
Trait |
Cost |
Attributes |
5 per dot |
Abilities |
2 per dot |
Backgrounds |
1 per dot |
Gifts |
7 per Gift (Level One only) |
Rage |
1 per dot |
Gnosis |
2 per dot |
Willpower |
1 per dot |
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