Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2022 8:32 pm
Name: Coin "Cara Haze"
Deedname: Duolingo
Online Handle: LiveLaughLurk
Pronouns: She/They
Apparent Age: 20?
Height: 5'5
Build: Ectomorph
Hair Color: Currently Green
Eye Color:
Breed: Corvid
Type: Corax
Auspice: Ragabash?
Rank: Oviculum (1)
Sept Position: None
Pack: None
Camp: None
Profession: Streamer, Delivery Person (Doordash, flowers, whatever)
Fame: 2
Physical Appearance/Distinguishing Characteristics: A lean, small girl in her very early twenties. Her fashion sense tends towards punk and emo, as though she learned it by looking through myspace. She walks with a bounce to her steps, and sometimes will turn her whole head rather than just moving her eyes. Also LOUD.
Obvious Merits/Flaws: Accute Sense (Sight), Mixed Morph, Daredevil, Language (Spanish, French, Irish, Klingon), Natural Linguist, Noted Messenger, Double Draught | Compulsion (Laughing when stressed), Curiosity
Common Knowledge:
*Young, born a bird, but SUPER good at picking up new languages
*Fun educational Tik Toks
*Youtube videos where she debunks things like 5 minute crafts
*Happy to be an eye in the sky/camera in the sky for Garou to help out
*Really intent on keeping the garou on their toes/making sure they are doing their Gaia given duties
*Great at mimicking sounds and voices
*Just the Duolingo owl given spiritual form, hence the name
*Stabbed a garou because he disrespected a kinfolk
*Has no fear, would fight God for a cornchip
*Moved here because the last place she was staying mysteriously caught fire
*Here to make sure the garou don't fuck this coming out so bad it spills over onto the fera
*Uses hey mimicry to fake audio of enemies saying incriminating things.
*In your house right now
Character Theme Song(s):
"Every Breath You Take: The Police"
"Welcome To The Internet: Bo Burnham"
Deedname: Duolingo
Online Handle: LiveLaughLurk
Pronouns: She/They
Apparent Age: 20?
Height: 5'5
Build: Ectomorph
Hair Color: Currently Green
Eye Color:
Breed: Corvid
Type: Corax
Auspice: Ragabash?
Rank: Oviculum (1)
Sept Position: None
Pack: None
Camp: None
Profession: Streamer, Delivery Person (Doordash, flowers, whatever)
Fame: 2
Physical Appearance/Distinguishing Characteristics: A lean, small girl in her very early twenties. Her fashion sense tends towards punk and emo, as though she learned it by looking through myspace. She walks with a bounce to her steps, and sometimes will turn her whole head rather than just moving her eyes. Also LOUD.
Obvious Merits/Flaws: Accute Sense (Sight), Mixed Morph, Daredevil, Language (Spanish, French, Irish, Klingon), Natural Linguist, Noted Messenger, Double Draught | Compulsion (Laughing when stressed), Curiosity
Common Knowledge:
*Young, born a bird, but SUPER good at picking up new languages
*Fun educational Tik Toks
*Youtube videos where she debunks things like 5 minute crafts
*Happy to be an eye in the sky/camera in the sky for Garou to help out
*Really intent on keeping the garou on their toes/making sure they are doing their Gaia given duties
*Great at mimicking sounds and voices
*Just the Duolingo owl given spiritual form, hence the name
*Stabbed a garou because he disrespected a kinfolk
*Has no fear, would fight God for a cornchip
*Moved here because the last place she was staying mysteriously caught fire
*Here to make sure the garou don't fuck this coming out so bad it spills over onto the fera
*Uses hey mimicry to fake audio of enemies saying incriminating things.
*In your house right now
Character Theme Song(s):
"Every Breath You Take: The Police"
"Welcome To The Internet: Bo Burnham"