Morgan LeChance
Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2022 11:43 pm
Name: Morgan LeChance
Online Handle: LC_Fashions
Pronouns: They/He
Apparent Age: 28?
Height: 6'3
Build: Tall and thin
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Brown
Breed: Homid Kinfolk
Tribe: Shadow Lord
Would be Auspice: Philodox
Subaltern: n/a
Fellowship: n/a
Profession: Fashion Designer, also dresses sept members/garou for important interviews.
Fame: 4
Physical Appearance/Distinguishing Characteristics: A tall androngynous person with vibrant red hair, brown hair and nice glasses. ALWAYS dressed in nice suits/outfits that are always the highest and most currently popular of fashion.
Obvious Merits/Flaws: Ambidextrous, Lack of Scent, Common Sense, Concentration, Reputation (Making even difficult garou look good in the public eye), Recognize Garou | Impatient, Overconfident, Sterile
Common Knowledge:
*Famous Fashion Designer
*Dresses members of the Nation for important meetings/interviews/appearances, and will also do things like; give pre interviews to make sure they are prepared.
*Surprisingly thoughtful, and thinks of everything. Provides other things that aren't clothes to people, such as ear plugs for nervous lupus.
*Really good at what they do, but gets a bit hyper fixated on outfits and problems.
*Big Tim Gunn/Edna Mode Energy
*Your new gay bff if you can crack the shell
*Someone ripped a suit made by Morgan and... well they greatly regretted it
*Has ulterior motives for helping
*Kind of a bitch
*Does drag at a dive bar
Character Theme Song(s): TBD
Online Handle: LC_Fashions
Pronouns: They/He
Apparent Age: 28?
Height: 6'3
Build: Tall and thin
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Brown
Breed: Homid Kinfolk
Tribe: Shadow Lord
Would be Auspice: Philodox
Subaltern: n/a
Fellowship: n/a
Profession: Fashion Designer, also dresses sept members/garou for important interviews.
Fame: 4
Physical Appearance/Distinguishing Characteristics: A tall androngynous person with vibrant red hair, brown hair and nice glasses. ALWAYS dressed in nice suits/outfits that are always the highest and most currently popular of fashion.
Obvious Merits/Flaws: Ambidextrous, Lack of Scent, Common Sense, Concentration, Reputation (Making even difficult garou look good in the public eye), Recognize Garou | Impatient, Overconfident, Sterile
Common Knowledge:
*Famous Fashion Designer
*Dresses members of the Nation for important meetings/interviews/appearances, and will also do things like; give pre interviews to make sure they are prepared.
*Surprisingly thoughtful, and thinks of everything. Provides other things that aren't clothes to people, such as ear plugs for nervous lupus.
*Really good at what they do, but gets a bit hyper fixated on outfits and problems.
*Big Tim Gunn/Edna Mode Energy
*Your new gay bff if you can crack the shell
*Someone ripped a suit made by Morgan and... well they greatly regretted it
*Has ulterior motives for helping
*Kind of a bitch
*Does drag at a dive bar
Character Theme Song(s): TBD