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Mistress of the Night (Open)
Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2022 10:29 pm
by Vampy
woman was inside the bar, fangs exposed with a few people lining up to be bitten by a real vampire. Sometimes a couple will come by her table and both bow to her, presenting their necks or wrists to her. She has one rough looking man sitting at her table, everyone else comes by to receive a short command or a bite before leaving. Occasionally she will sprawl her legs out onto them or intensely stare at them as she holds the back of their neck.
Attractive people across the gender spectrum in all black, often scantily clad or tight leather, come up to show their respects.
Re: Mistress of the Night (Open)
Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2022 10:54 pm
by Diana Petrov
Diana had been there for a hot second, as in she had rolled up to watch this couple roll up to present their necks to this woman at her table. She stood to the side at the bar, just staring at the interaction. Huh. Then she sent a text to John that simply read. "Something weird is happening at the Bunker Bar if I turn up missing this hot goth lady did it." Then she slipped further towards the woman, gravitating at a distance as she watches people come up to her. Her brows knit some. Why are they always hot. She's so hot.
Re: Mistress of the Night (Open)
Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2022 11:05 pm
by Vampy
As the couple walks away, they seem to be quite enjoying themselves. They remark that they thought it would hurt and that they wanted to find a place to sit down.
The next man to approach had a quick conversation before kneeling and becoming her human footrest. No one else comes up to be bitten though many around the area discuss her and her unspoken proposal. With no one approaching, she eyes the room before taking out her phone to idly check her device and grind her boots into the man below her feet.
Re: Mistress of the Night (Open)
Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2022 11:10 pm
by Diana Petrov
She would give a big ole sigh and steps forward, glancing towards the couple that was just remarking on what happened. She kept one hand in her pocket. She would glance at the man who is a foot stool currently. What ever got their rocks off she guessed. She doesn't even introduce herself, she just sits down, green eyes on the woman. "Do you charge for all this or is it just a free experience?"
Re: Mistress of the Night (Open)
Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2022 11:52 pm
by Vampy
Her eyes run shamelessly over the other woman and her tattoos. She holds out her hand with the sharp, black finger nails ready for Diana.
"The first one is free." her commanding voice seemed to echo, coming in clear despite the music blaring in the background. "After that..." her eyes drift down to the man under her heels. "Did someone tell you about me? Or did you just enjoy the show?" she locks eyes with Diana and smiles.
Re: Mistress of the Night (Open)
Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2022 1:34 am
by Diana Petrov
She would be on guard, just a little as the woman holds out a hand. She'd take it after a moment of consideration, giving her hand a soft shake. She raises a brow at the woman and then nods her head. "Just wandered in to see something interesting happening." She admits with a casual shrug of her shoulders. "So what's it like?" She could fish a little, that was okay.
Re: Mistress of the Night (Open)
Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2022 6:20 am
by Vampy
The woman gives a sly smile when Diana shakes her hand . She had expected something more personal than a hand shake. After the shake she asks "May I?" she asks before she straightens out Diana's hand to view the tattoos better.
"It feels like ecstasy. It makes you lose control in the most relaxing way."
Re: Mistress of the Night (Open)
Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2022 2:05 am
by Diana Petrov
"I mean sure, you can look." She wasn't about to go kissing some strangers hand. She didn't roll that way. She'd let her look at her tattoos, both sleeves on her arms. "That so?" She asks curiously. "I can do that too."
Re: Mistress of the Night (Open)
Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2022 3:05 am
by Vampy
She motions to the crowd around them in the club, spreading her nails out wide. "I'm sure you could have your pick of the litter here, should you want to demonstrate. I certainly wouldn't mind seeing you at work." There were plenty of eyes upon both of them at the club, staring at them like they were the stars. Their table was prominently posed to add to this aesthetic of importance.
Re: Mistress of the Night (Open)
Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2022 3:29 am
by Diana Petrov
Diana smirked and looked around a moment. "Yeah let me just look around." She figured the couple she had chewed on could use some fun. So she would slowly get up and wander over to them. Diana would introduce herself, asking for their names, complementing them on their outfits. Just generally getting to the know, and even buy them a round of their choice. As she goes to pay she would whip out a secondary 100 dollar bill and simply, sets it ablaze in front of the couple with her zippo. She laughs and giggles as she lets the sputtering out bill fall to the floor as she claps, unleashing her magic upon them.
Aphrodisia: Yearn with Scene 1 to affect a second person:
Details:[4d10 (10 10 8 7)] Dif 8: 3 successes
System: The Realm determines who is affected; use of the Time Realm can plant a suggestion in a target's mind to be “set off” later. This is certainly one way of ensuring your date of last evening calls you again… The object of the target's affections need not be present at the time of the cantrip's casting, but he must be familiar with it. A Changeling can't use Yearn to make a person long for something he's only vaguely familiar with, or has seen but never paid all that much attention to. The object must stand out in his mind somehow, even if it's as vague as “that beautiful girl I saw in the window of Cafe Au Lait.”
Making the couple ramp up their affections for one another!
Re: Mistress of the Night (Open)
Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2022 6:51 pm
by Vampy
The woman at the table excuses her human footrest and shoo's him away while Diana is away enticing the couple.
The couple start to get extra frisky on the dance floor, whispering in each others ears and starting to nip on each other right there before going off to the bathroom together.
"That's a nice trick." the 'vampire' said when Diana returned, dropping her thick seductive accent. "So what brings you to me?"
Re: Mistress of the Night (Open)
Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2022 10:08 pm
by Diana Petrov
"Curiosity." She says as she moves to sit back down. "Never met a vampire before and I wanted to see what all the fuss was about." She admits softly.
Re: Mistress of the Night (Open)
Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2022 6:50 am
by Vampy
"I get a lot of that these days." she gave a sly smile. "If this is a threat assessment, we can get right to the point: there's a reason I feel confident enough to be in public and everything that I do is with consent."