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Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2022 7:46 am
by Wrath
Name PJ Beechem
Deedname Wrath of the Underdog
Amongst his friends: Wrath of the Short King

Apparent Age: forties
Height: five foot 3 inches
Build: Viking raider
Hair Color: reddish brown
Eye Color: light blue

Breed: homid
Tribe: bone gnawer
Auspice or Would be Auspice: ahroun

Rank: athro

Physical Appearance/Distinguishing Characteristics:
A short man with a long beard, plenty of scars and tattoos. He looks battle-tested and intense

Obvious Merits/Flaws:
battle prowess

Common Knowledge:
Sept alpha to the Sept of No F****s Given in San Francisco

Sept of NFG went on the defensive during the Gehenna times

Character Theme Song(s):