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Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2022 12:23 am
by TFG
Name: Taylor Graham
Deedname: TFG (stories differ as to what it stands for. Top theories are Twerks For Gaia, That Fucking Garou, The False Galliard, and Thirsty Fucking Gremlin)
Online Handle: @LOLeater
Online Nickname: Lola
OnlyFans Handle: @lolarent

Apparent Age: Early 20s
Height: 5'2"
Build: Dangerously curvy
Hair Color: Varies! Currently blue/black, naturally brunette
Eye Color: Green

Breed: Homid
Tribe: Glass Walker
Auspice: Ragabash

Rank: Cliath
Pack: Feel Good Inc.
Camp: Random Interrupts (largely inactive)

Physical Appearance/Distinguishing Characteristics:
TFG is a walking distinguishing characteristic. The girl is dangerously curvy and perky, and she dresses to exemplify it. She's a tiny little chaos goblin that compensates for barely breaking 5'2" with big stompy goth boots, and her aesthetic varies from lazy goblin or casual to gothicc or e-girl with regularity. She's painfully expressive and chatters relentlessly, seeming to thrive as the center of attention.

Obvious Merits/Flaws: Double-Jointed, Perfect Balance, Compulsion (Lying)

Common Knowledge:
TFG is better known in the mortal world as LOLeater (Fame 3: Internet Personality), often shortened to 'Lola'. The deep lore claims she started out doing mukbang videos and was unable to take the name 'Lolita', so she improvised. The truth of this is unknown. She started streaming in 2018 on Twitch and then on YouTube, but she absolutely blew up on TikTok in 2020. In 2019, she came out as bisexual. In 2020, she came out as polyamorous. In 2021, she came out as garou. There's currently a #loleaks trend guessing what she'll come out as next! She's had more than a few scandals based on being a compulsive liar, so her follower have what's known as the "24H Rule", which is to wait to see if she posts a correction before freaking out about something she's said.
TFG went through her first change in Albany in 2019 and has been part of the sept ever since. She's a very loud ragabash, and seems to enjoy being the 'bait' in bait and switch situations. Because she prioritized college and streaming over her cub training, it took her a while to rank: she only reached cliath this last summer.

  • Totally dated one of the angels.
  • You know what, she IS an angel. Said so on stream.
  • Her dad is the king of the garou nation.
  • Claims to be crinos-born, with her deformity being 'too sexy'.
  • Isn't a compulsive liar, just says that to gain leeway with her ridiculousness.
  • Secretly a White Howler.
  • Owes Helios ten bucks after a poker game.
  • Prompted a streamer orgy at PAX.
  • Is immune to silver but actually weak to the fake metal that turns your skin green.
  • Lived for a year in a submarine during some witness protection that is no longer needed.
  • Her mother works for the government in a top secret department.

Character Theme Song(s):