John Wolf
Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2022 3:15 am
Name: John Wolf
Deed Name: Smile in the Tall Grass
Apparent Age: 30s
Height: 5'11"
Build: Ectomorph
Hair Color: Green
Eye Color: Blue
Breed: Metis
Auspice: Theurge
Status: Ronin
Physical Appearance/Distinguishing Characteristics
The most notably obvious thing about John is his naturally green hair/fur (depending on form), and the fact he has human teeth in every form. The latter can make for some unsettling expressions on his part, depending on which form he's in. Aside from those notable aspects, he is average height and weight in homid form and lean but healthy as a lupus. He dresses in white shirts, usually t-shirts or henley-style, often paired with a pair of pants and jacket to match wherever he is going. Usually easy-going and an eternal optimist, and always has at least a smirk on his face, though its most often a small smile.
Obvious Merits
Obvious Flaws
-Double Jeopardy
Metis Deformities
-Green hair/fur in all forms.
-Homid teeth in all forms.
Common Knowledge
-Formerly Get of Fenris
-Hunts spirits that are not where they belong
-Has made deals with banes
-Has worked with Spirals
Character Theme Songs
Alone I Break - Korn
On My Own - Ashes Remain
The Lost Boy - Greg Holden
Deed Name: Smile in the Tall Grass
Apparent Age: 30s
Height: 5'11"
Build: Ectomorph
Hair Color: Green
Eye Color: Blue
Breed: Metis
Auspice: Theurge
Status: Ronin
Physical Appearance/Distinguishing Characteristics
The most notably obvious thing about John is his naturally green hair/fur (depending on form), and the fact he has human teeth in every form. The latter can make for some unsettling expressions on his part, depending on which form he's in. Aside from those notable aspects, he is average height and weight in homid form and lean but healthy as a lupus. He dresses in white shirts, usually t-shirts or henley-style, often paired with a pair of pants and jacket to match wherever he is going. Usually easy-going and an eternal optimist, and always has at least a smirk on his face, though its most often a small smile.
Obvious Merits
Obvious Flaws
-Double Jeopardy
Metis Deformities
-Green hair/fur in all forms.
-Homid teeth in all forms.
Common Knowledge
-Formerly Get of Fenris
-Hunts spirits that are not where they belong
-Has made deals with banes
-Has worked with Spirals
Character Theme Songs
Alone I Break - Korn
On My Own - Ashes Remain
The Lost Boy - Greg Holden