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Diana Petrov

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2022 4:41 am
by Diana Petrov

Name Diana Petrov
Deedname None

Apparent Age: 20s
Height: 5'8"
Build: Slender
Hair Color: Currently dark purple
Eye Color: Green

Breed: Homid
Tribe: Black Furies
Auspice or Would be Auspice: Theurge

Rank: None
Pack: None
Camp: None

Physical Appearance/Distinguishing Characteristics:
Diana Petrov is a sightly tall woman with dark purple died hair and vibrant green eyes. She is covered in colorful and ornate tattoos. She sports a full sleeves on both arms and a leg sleeve. In photos and sets Diana opts to wear beautiful clothing that is revealing, however in her day to day life she often just wears dresses if she has nothing going on, or jeans and tee shirts. She's just the type of person who picks her clothing based on what she's doing at the time. Diana also has low Silver Fang breeding (PB 2).

Obvious Merits/Flaws:
- Sex Appeal
- Eccentric Appearance (Tattooed)
- Sterile
- Deranged (PTSD)

Common Knowledge:
- Was a former Silver Fang
- Adopted by the Black Furies
- Rescued from a human trafficking ring
- Works to free those enslaved in human trafficking
- Public in her activity and is not afraid of those wishing to harm her
- Has an OnlyFans
- All her social Media is the Moirai

- Uses her OnlyFans to catch shitty people who pays for her content and doxes them
- Kink Queen
- Doxed Elon Musk
- AI Generated Bot
- Has goat hooves hence no feet pics

Character Theme Song(s):
- Holloway Road
- Sick of the Silence
- Bad Blood
- Panic Attack in paradise
- Stupid
