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Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2022 5:23 am
by Retweet

Name Trinket
Deedname Retweet

Apparent Age: Early 20s
Height: 5'0"
Build: Slender
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Blue

Breed: Corvid
Tribe: Nah We don't do that here
Auspice or Would be Auspice: We dont do that either

Rank: Rank 1
Pack: None
Camp: None

Physical Appearance/Distinguishing Characteristics:
In breed from Retweet is a fluffy black Raven. That's it. A bird. In Homid form Retweet is a short red headed freckled faced girl with bright green eyes. She wears what ever is fashionable for kids these days. She considers her dress to be witchy, with wide brimmed hats, skirts, and long sleeved shirts. What ever is IN, she is wearing it.

Obvious Merits/Flaws:
- Strong Claws
- Compulsion (Hair Touching)
- Curiosity
- Overconfident

Common Knowledge:
- Helps Garou understand technology
- Twitter presence for DAYS
- Talks about Garou events and follows Pack around
- Tries to prove how helpful Garou are

- Got in a month long twitter war with a famous Incel blogger
- Went for a Hive Dive and now there's memes (She made them)
- Wolf Fucker
- Meme Queen

Character Theme Song(s):
- Space Ghost
- 1900
- Rocks and Water
- Where Are you Now?