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Pack Profile Template

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2021 7:39 am
by Storyteller
This is a template for making profiles for the different packs in the game.

[Insert Totem Image Here]

Pack Name: What are you called?
Pack Totem: Who do you follow?
Pack Purpose: Are you together to hunt vampires? Break curses? Destroy all the blue M&Ms in the universe?
Open to New Members: Are you looking for more people? You can also link to a want ad here if your pack has one.

Pack Members: Put a quick profile of each of your members here. Names, TBA, what they're like, etc.
  • Zedakh: (Alpha in Revised)
  • Uldakh: (Beta in Revised)
  • Taldakh: (Omega in Revised)
Pack Deeds and Timeline: What has your pack done before and after their arrival in Murias?
Song(s): Music goes here

Code: Select all

[Insert Totem Image Here]

[b]Pack Name:[/b] 
[b]Pack Totem:[/b]
[b]Pack Purpose:[/b]
[b]Open to New Members:[/b]

[b]Pack Members:[/b]

[b]Pack Deeds and Timeline:[/b]
