These patrons spur Garou to greater heights of violence and Rage. Predatory animals and ancestral warriors are the most common patrons of war. While packs focused on fighting the Wyrm are the chief followers of these spirits, scouts, healers, and other packs who expect to see a lot of combat will ally themselves with these spirits.
Background Cost: 8
Adder is the only poisonous snake in Britain, and was a popular patron of the Fianna since the early years anno domini when he taught and commanded Fianna packs in guerrilla strikes against the Romans. Never the conqueror that other War patrons boast of being, Adder taught his children then, as he does now, that damage can be done gradually and that enemies can be made to destroy themselves. Though Adder has little power in Ireland, English, Welsh, and Scottish Fianna, and other tribes in Britain, often enjoy Adder’s blessing.
Individual Traits: Each of Adder’s children receives +2 Stealth.
Pack Traits: Adder is a sly Patron of War, often confused with one of Cunning. But where the children of Cunning trick their opponents into destroying themselves, Adder envenoms his opponents and lets their panic spread his venom ever faster. Garou adopted by Adder receive the Gifts: Fatal Flaw and Visceral Agony, though Visceral Agony may only be used on Bite attacks.
Ban: Adder is a patron of the British Isles, and when outside them must receive difficult ritual offerings every month to remain powerful. In effect, this ties up one dot of Resources for each member of the pack, and they are treated as having one less dot in the Background. Also, his children may never set foot in Ireland.
Source: Player's Guide Revised p. 137
Background Cost: 7
Aray is one of the earliest gods of war in human history, worshiped in ancient history as well as in Greece as “Ares.” Garou have also held Aray in high regard for millennia. Though fierce in his skill with weapons and combat, it is Aray’s ability to die and then rise again that makes him unique among the patrons of War. Quite literally, not even death will stop Aray. He is popular among the Children of Gaia, Shadow Lords, and Silver Fangs.
Individual Traits: Consummate warriors, each pack member under Aray gains +1 Brawl and +1 Melee.
Pack Traits: The children of Aray are notoriously stubborn and difficult to destroy. If they suffer a wound that would otherwise kill them, they may spend one point of Willpower per wound level to ignore the wound. However, each wound ignored in such fashion effectively “kills” them for one scene. Enemies can effectively short circuit this power by simply attacking the body after death, hacking it to pieces until the character runs out of Willpower. Many Garou in the service of Aray tend to try and “die” in such ways that the body can’t be found.
Ban: Aray ties his children to the seasons. At the start of each season, they must find an item that perfectly embodies the season (such as a flower for spring or an animal that has died of exposure for winter), and burn it as an offering to him.
Source: Player's Guide Revised p. 136
Background Cost: 5
Bear is wise in peace and fierce in war. He is a master of healing and mysticism, but the Garou mistrust him, for Bear’s true children are the Gurahl — werebears with no fondness for the Garou.
Individual Traits: Bear’s children gain a dot of Strength, can use the Gift: Mother’s Touch once per day, and can hibernate for up to three months at a time without need for food or water.
Pack Traits: Bear’s packs can use three dots of Medicine, and are well-regarded by werebears.
Ban: Bear asks no specific behavior of his Garou. Petitioning for his favor has already cost them a great deal of standing among their own people.
Source: W20 p. 374
Bird of Paradise
Background Cost: 6
Bird of Paradise is a bright, colorful, small corvid; a distant cousin to Raven. What he lacks in Raven’s wisdom, he has in pure glory. He uses his brilliant plumage to attract mates, in spite of the many vicious creatures in the rainforest. He fancies himself the king of the trees, and all evidence supports that claim. He laughs down at Crocodile, and flies far too fast for Cobra. His followers pride themselves in drawing attention.
Individual Traits: By reflexively spending a point of Rage when an opponent’s player has announced an attack, the follower can force the opponent to attack her instead of the opponent’s intended target. She can still roll to dodge and soak as normal. Additionally, Bird of Paradise’s followers gain a dot of Dexterity.
Pack Traits: A pack to Bird of Paradise has access to three additional points of Rage, and two points of Willpower.
Ban: Bird of Paradise demands its followers bear bright obvious adornments to their clothes, and remain majestic and obvious at all times. His followers cannot hide, even when fleeing from an assailant.
Source: RATW p. 121
Background Cost: 5
Hunters fear the boar, and for good reason: he is too angry to pass up a challenge, to fierce to ever give ground, and to ornery to die before doing massive damage. Combative young packs see theses as virtues — especially Garou among the Fianna and Get of Fenris — and choose Boar as their patron.
Individual Traits: Boar’s children gain a dot of Stamina.
Pack Traits: Boar’s packs can use two dots of Brawl.
Ban: Children of Boar must never hunt or eat wild boars.
Source: W20 p. 374
Background Cost: 8
The Apocalypse is nigh, and each year more and more Garou decide that the time for subtlety or negotiation is long since past. Fortified by the strength of many warriors and overflowing with Rage, Bull has become one of the dominant War patrons among the Garou. Appearing as a fiery aurochs, Bull favors try-and-die, head-on attacks. He is popular among almost all tribes, although especially among the Get of Fenris and the Fianna. The Red Talons also approve of Bull for his connections to Griffin as a representative of an extinct species.
Individual Traits: In the last few years, Bull has become much stronger and extends his strength to his children. Each member of Bull’s packs receives an additional dot of Strength, as well as + 3 Brawl.
Pack Traits: Bull also offers 4 Rage to his packs, which may be drawn upon once per story.
Ban: However, Bull has also grown more desperate in the final days. His children find it very difficult to resist frenzy, and are at -2 difficulty on Rage rolls. He also disapproves of indirect solutions to problems, and may temporarily withdraw his blessings if his pack adopts such methods.
Source: Player's Guide Revised p. 138
Carrion Bird
Background Cost: 7
Death is a process of natural selection, and those who fall have proven they are no longer worthy of continuing their existence. To the eyes of Carrion Bird, they have become nothing but a resource for those who still live. Carrion Bird only accepts packs who are steadfast survivors, but has no interest in cowards. Only by proving themselves capable of entering dangerous situations and surviving them can a pack gain (and retain) Carrion Bird’s favor.
While the natural versions of Carrion Birds are considered a sub-species of Crow or Raven, Carrion Bird’s supernatural aspects hold no particular alliance with Grandfather Thunder or other allies of Crow or Raven. Instead, since leaving Lion's brood, it now acts as a patron predominantly to those who serve the Wyrm. Any who follow it after the Howlers’ fall are likely to be held in suspicion of being Wyrm-tainted themselves.
Individual Traits: Those who follow Carrion Bird subtract one from the difficulty of all Survival rolls, and gain an extra die on any roll where their own death is on the line, including, but not limited to combat. Each pack member immediately loses one Permanent Honor upon accepting this patron's blessing. At least Corax are well disposed towards the pack.
Pack Traits: Carrion Bird’s packs gain three dots in any rolls related to scrounging, scavenging, or making use of discarded materials (or corpses), and two points of Willpower per story.
Ban: Those who follow Carrion Bird may not participate in funerary rites or practices (formal or informal) of any sort. Even learning Death Rites draws the patron's ire.
source: TB:WH p. 74
Background Cost: 5
As the Messenger of the Wyld’s Glory, Earthquake has little of Volcano’s codes and ethics, or Twister’s mysteries. He is bent on one goal only: the destruction of anything and anyone that displeases him. Earthquake has little metaphysical knowledge to offer his children; instead, he teaches them exactly how to hit something so that it will hurt as much as possible, and that is all. And in the presence of Earthquake, who would dare argue his decisions?
Individual Traits: Earthquake teaches each of his children +1 Brawl, so that they may act as his fists.
Pack Traits: Earthquake grants his packs +3 Strength.
Ban: Children of Earthquake may never travel by air.
Source: Player's Guide Revised p. 138
Background Cost: 5
Norse legends speak of the ravening God-Wolf Fenris, the beast that will eat the sun at the end of days. Fenris is powerful, bloodthirsty, and never gives nor expects quarter. The patron spirit of the Get of Fenris is a warrior’s patron, interested only in packs of Garou that spill their foes’ blood frequently.
Individual Traits: Each werewolf increases one of their Physical Attributes by 1 (choose which when accepted by the patron). The Get of Fenris respect any pack who follows Great Fenris, and will test their worthiness to the patron by inviting them to Wild Hunts and battles against powerful enemies.
Pack Traits: Packs of Fenris gain the Lupus Level One Gift Predator's Arsenal.
Ban: Fenris’ children must never pass up an opportunity for a worthy fight.
Source: W20 p. 374
Background Cost: 5
The master of guerilla warfare, Flea teaches her children to strike quickly and repeatedly before an opponent can react, and how to leap away once the enemy has become aware of you. Many Garou see her tactics as cowardly, an unfortunate misconception, since she is not only quick, but also tough and armored. Though most popular among Bone Gnawers, she is also relatively common to Red Talons (who see her tactics as a viable method of attacking humans) and Glass Walkers (since her tactics are perfectly suited for urban warfare).
Individual Traits: Children of Flea gain +1 Athletics.
Pack Traits: Flea’s packs learn the Gift Hare’s Leap and Luna’s Armor.
Ban: Flea asks that you leave her people in peace. (You can’t scratch, you poor mutt.)
Source: Player's Guide Revised p. 138
Background Cost: 4
Griffin remembers those species lost to extinction, and he mourns each and every one of them. This has kindled a terrible rage against humans — the slayers of entire species—that he shares with his chosen Red Talons. Always hunting, always hungry, Griffin embodies the swift hunter.
Individual Traits: Griffin’s children can communicate with birds of prey without the use of a Gift.
Pack Traits: Griffin’s packs gain three dots of Alertness, and Red Talons show their respect for the pack.
Ban: Followers of Griffin cannot associate with humans. Griffin has not yet accepted a pack containing a homid Garou.
Source: W20 p. 374
Melanochaita, Lion of War
Background Cost: 8
Lion is king of the savannah, and for good reason. His immense roars and powerful jaws put him on top of the food chain, and guarantee his position against any would-be predators. Lion’s folly is that he is hardly a team player. His pride might work together, but his aloof nature keeps him distanced from them. While the women hunters of the pride work to feed the young, he rests lazily awaiting tribute.
Individual Traits: Followers of Lion gains a dot of Charisma and Strength. Additionally, on any contested roll using a Social Attribute, a follower of Lion wins on any ties as if she were the defender. This effect requires a point of Gnosis.
Pack Traits: Lion’s pack can belt out a powerful roar. One member at a time can use the Shadow Lord Gift: Thunderclap, but focused on the sound of her roar. Additionally, Lion’s pack can access two Gnosis and two Rage.
Ban: Lion is known as a glory hound, taking credit for his pride’s kills. For this reason, followers of Lion increase the difficulty of any teamwork rolls by 1.
Source: RATW p. 121
The People
Background Cost: 8
Many of The People’s followers claim that when Martin Luther King declared “I have a dream,” he was channeling The People. They also claim that The People walked alongside Leonard Peltier in the early 1970s. No one can prove The People was involved in these incidents, but there is no doubt that the spirit of The People is real. It never appears with the same face twice, and it is from every race and nation, male and female, defending any whom have reason to defend themselves.
That The People has any truck with the werewolves at all surprises many Garou, but the Bone Gnawers and Children of Gaia have often cooperated with it as their purposes intertwine. Even tribes like the Black Furies, Fianna, Silent Striders, Shadow Lords, Younger Brother, and Older Brothers have had packs adopted by The People whilst trying to defend their Kinfolk. The only tribes The People will not deal with are the Glass Walkers (for their too-close-for-comfort affinity to the Weaver) and the Red Talons (for their genocidal hatred of humanity). The People despises both of these tribes with every fiber of its being.
Individual Traits: The People is a spirit of war, not compromise. It teaches each of its children +1 Brawl, Melee, or Firearms. (Each character can choose which bonus they receive, but once chosen, it is permanent.)
Pack Traits: The People demands that its children be capable of being anywhere, and to help anyone. It offers its children the Gifts: Assimilation and Speed of Thought.
Ban: The People will never adopt a pack with either a Glass Walker or a Red Talon in it. In addition, followers of The People must devote themselves to helping oppressed humans in some way.
Source: Player's Guide Revised p. 138
Polar Bear
Background Cost: 10
Bear is a long-standing patron among Garou. Due to Bear’s ties to the Gurahl, his followers are considered less honorable than their comrades. Polar Bear is a similar to Bear but specifically relates to the Ice Stalkers, the Siberian bear shifters. Where Bear is a resting defender, Polar Bear fights the rising tides and sinking landmasses of her homeland. This makes Polar Bear a much more urgent and violent patron.
Individual Traits: Followers of Polar Bear gain a dot of Strength, and a dot of Stamina. They can also use the Gift: Mother’s Touch once per day. They can regrow limbs with a Willpower point. This heals any non-aggravated health levels that resulted in the disabled or removed limb. As with Bear’s followers, adopting Polar Bear causes distrust within the Garou community.
Pack Traits: Polar Bear’s pack gains access to two dots of Medicine, and two dots of Brawl.
Ban: Polar Bear requires her followers strike out at any threats that threaten to end a species.
Source: RATW p. 121
Background Cost: 5
Rat is the swift, silent master of hit-and-run warfare — the original patron of guerrilla fighters. While Rat fights to weaken, cripple, then overwhelm, he can be as vicious as any other patron when cornered.
Individual Traits: Rat’s children subtract one from the difficulty of all bite rolls, and from the difficulties of rolls involving stealth or quiet. Bone Gnawers will aid the pack, and even Ratkin will be somewhat tolerant of the pack’s existence.
Pack Traits: Rat’s packs can call on a pool of five Willpower points per story.
Ban: Rat’s children must not kill vermin of any kind.
Source: W20 p. 374
Background Cost: 5
Lion may claim otherwise, but not all would acknowledge the great cat as the king of the savanna. Rhino, with his proud stoicism, is Lion’s opposite. Where Lion is arrogant and showy, Rhino moves slowly and carefully. Rhino is humble, but a great defender of his own, and most Garou underestimate his thoughtfulness, worldliness, and ancient knowledge. He is popular among the Children of Gaia, Red Talons (Griffin has shown interest in the endangered species), and Silent Striders, and some Bone Gnawers and Silver Fangs also follow him. Occasionally, he has been called upon to resolve disputes within the Ahadi.
Individual Traits: Rhino grants his children both his strength and patience; each of his children receives +1 Strength and one point of Willpower.
Pack Traits: Rhino teaches those he adopts how to quickly end a fight, and his packs can add +1 to their Brawl or Melee for the first attack they make in a battle.
Ban: Packs adopted by Rhino must actively attempt to save his true children. He will also not adopt any Garou without Wisdom Renown, and may leave packs that lose Wisdom with regularity.
Source: Player's Guide Revised p. 138
Background Cost: 6
There is no animal that evokes more fear and horror in humanity than Shark. Emotionless and alien, Shark is a lethal and silent hunter. Packs adopted by Shark may be better received by Rokea, but don’t count on it.
Individual Traits: The children of Shark learn how to bite with exceptional power, doing two dice more of damage than normal.
Pack Traits: Shark’s packs also receive one point of Strength and two extra dice of Stealth.
Ban: Shark cannot abide those who show either pleasure or distress from killing.
Source: Player's Guide Revised p. 138
Background Cost: 7
Some homids are surprised to learn that Weasel is a Patron of War, expecting her to be a Patron of Cunning instead. And whilst Weasel is cunning indeed, she is no mere trickster, but a sneaky, dexterous, and relentless warrior. Like Flea, Weasel favors quick strikes and surprise above sheer muscle. Unlike Flea, she will never back down until a foe is destroyed. This attitude has made her popular among many young Shadow Lord packs.
Individual Traits: Children of Weasel all gain an extra die of damage on bite attacks.
Pack Traits: Weasel gives one point of Dexterity and +1 Dodge to her packs.
Ban: Weasel packs must never show fear.
Source: Player's Guide Revised p. 138
Winter Storm
Background Cost: 7
Appearing as a storm of biting ice, the Winter Storm stalks the frozen wastes. He teaches the Garou to be as relentless as the storm, leashing the cold bitterness that lurks within and turning it into a lethal rage.
Individual Traits: Winter Storm’s children start each story with five extra Rage points, regardless of their rating. Members of the Younger Brother tribe respect those packs who take their patron as a patron, though they do not fully trust them.
Pack Traits: Packs of Winter Storm gain the Silver Fang Level One Gift Ice Dance.
Ban: Winter Storm’s children must offer aid to animistic peoples in need.
Source: W20 p. 374
Background Cost: 6
Though Bull has gained admiration for his furious anger and straightforward approach, Wolverine has been spurned for the same qualities in terrible excess. Wolverine fights rabidly, exuding Rage in every movement, fighting long after all others have dropped due to exhaustion, injury, or simple common sense. Almost mindlessly violent, Wolverine remains an outsider patron spurned by most, only showing his sympathy towards the rogues and misfits of the Garou Nation.
Individual Traits: Upon adopting his children, he sends them a vision of the very heart of Malfeas, a glimpse at the soul of the Wyrm itself. This torture grants an extra permanent point of Rage to each of his children, though it may not let them exceed 10 Rage. As long as the pack remains adopted by Wolverine, this point may never be lost, so they cannot lose the wolf.
Pack Traits: Wolverine grants each of his packs an extra point of Stamina, knowing they’ll need it to fight as he does, and so they’ll withstand his personal initiation ceremony.
Ban: Wolverine’s children must spend at least one point of Rage in every battle, and may never show mercy.
Source: Player's Guide Revised p. 138