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Patron of Cunning

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2021 2:07 am
by Storyteller
While most Garou don’t look kindly on trickery and stealth, some understand the benefits and seek out patrons of cunning. As more and more young Garou try new ideas and new ways of thinking to fight the Wyrm, these patrons are becoming more common, though more traditional Garou find little to trust about them.

Background Cost: 5
Butterfly is a strange Patron, and only those who look past the pretty exterior see the trickster below. When he begins his life, Butterfly is but an easily damaged, harmless caterpillar. To ward off enemies, he releases a sticky, sugary secretion that small predators, such as ants, carry off as food. So that they may protect their food source, these recruited soldiers fight other ants, defending the caterpillar, even after the caterpillar has retreated to its cocoon and no longer provides food. Once he becomes Butterfly, he flees quickly, deserting his willing dupes. Many a Shadow Lord has smiled at Butterfly, seeing much to admire in him. And besides, isn’t a desperate and ugly time followed by great beauty exactly how the Garou hope the tales of the Apocalypse will be told?
Individual Traits: Butterfly grants his children the Gift: Tagalong, although instead of ingratiating themselves before the target, they must present her with a gift. As a shapeshifter spirit, Butterfly greatly admires those who hide their true identity under another one, and these bonuses are doubled when impersonating someone else.
Pack Traits: In addition, he teaches his packs +2 Subterfuge so that they may hide their deceptions, and +1 Athletics to aid them when deceptions are uncovered.
Ban: Those who follow Butterfly may never aid someone weaker then they are without promise of quid pro quo; that’s for the ants to do.
Source: Player's Guide Revised p. 142

Background Cost: 7
The ultimate trickster, more Ragabash than Ragabash, Coyote is an avatar of chaos. Utterly unpredictable, often foolish, but undoubtedly brilliant, Coyote is both a master of deception and a very clever warrior.
Individual Traits: Followers of Coyote gain the Level One Ragabash Gift Infectious Laughter.
Pack Traits: Coyote’s packs gain three dots of Stealth, three dots of Streetwise, one dot of Subterfuge, and one dot of Survival. Coyote’s avatars can always find their packs — the pack does not need to spend Patron points on that ability.
Ban: The very idea that he would limit his packs runs against Coyote’s nature.
Source: W20 p. 376

Background Cost: 6
The cuckoo is nature’s master infiltrator, laying her eggs in the nests of other birds, then having those birds raise her young. Likewise, Garou who dedicate themselves to Cuckoo are master spies and manipulators, able to bluff their way into any situation without being challenged — from the best quarters in the sept to the center of a Black Spiral Dancer Hive.
Individual Traits: Cuckoo’s children gain two dots of Subterfuge
Pack Traits: Cuckoo’s packs gain a dot of Manipulation. One pack member at a time can use the ability to be overlooked: roll Manipulation + Subterfuge (difficulty 6, or higher if the Garou doesn’t look like he should be there). Anyone who notices her must make a Perception + Alertness roll and score more successes than the Garou to realize that the werewolf isn’t supposed to be there. Guards assume that the werewolf has clearance, and ranking officers don’t think twice about the tech in the corner. If the character does anything to draw attention to himself, the player rolls again with a +2 difficulty penalty or loses the benefits of this effect.
Ban: Cuckoo’s children must never pass up an opportunity to improve their pack’s situation at the expense of others.
Source: W20 p. 376

Background Cost: 7
Fox is used to being both predator and prey and outthinking everything that he faces. Whether he creeps up on a rabbit without his prey being aware, or leads a pack of hounds into a hornet’s nest, he loves to trick and trap his opponents. He loves it even more if that trap also teaches a lesson.
Individual Traits: Each pack member gains a dot of Manipulation.
Pack Traits: Fox’s packs can call on two dots of Stealth, two dots of Streetwise, and three dots of Subterfuge.
Ban: Children of Fox can never participate in a fox hunt, and must sabotage any hunts they encounter.
Source: W20 p. 377

Background Cost: 5
Many of the best defenders of the Cunning Patrons follow Goat. Like Bull, Goat is stubborn to the point of obsession, but is versatile and clever. Not averse to lies, politics, or straight violence, Goat is the pragmatist among the patrons. He is also, however, their glutton.
Individual Traits: Each of Goat’s children receives +2 Subterfuge and +2 Survival.
Pack Traits: Goat's packs make Willpower rolls at -1 difficulty.
Ban: Like Goat, those who follow him must eat any seemingly edible and non-toxic food offered to them.
Source: Player's Guide Revised p. 142

Background Cost: 5
Not all battles are won through might; Kelpie teaches how to use an enemy’s own desires as the best weapon against it. While its natural form is that of a gorgeous water horse, Kelpie can also become invisible, or appear as a beautiful human to seduce and then destroy its enemies. It tempts its victims into clambering on its back in horse form, or into its arms as a human, before dragging them down to a watery grave.
Individual Traits: Followers of Kelpie can breathe underwater, and cannot drown. As well, they gain one dot of Appearance.
Pack Traits: Packs that follow Kelpie can call on three dots of Subterfuge and three dots of Empathy per story.
Ban: Kelpie requires its followers to prioritize cleansing natural waterways of pollution and supernatural taint at every opportunity. As well, they must bathe in a natural source of fresh water at least once per month.
Source: TB:WH p. 76

Singing Dog
Background Cost: 7
Singing Dog is a shy, clever canid. She’s an amazing communicator; her namesake voice is complex and carries over great distances. She’s also adept with interpersonal interaction, her skill with body language is remarkable in the animal kingdom. She’s immensely rare; singing dog is almost certainly extinct in the wild today.
Individual Traits: All members of Singing Dog’s pack gain the Gift: Singing Dog’s Cry (RotW p. 119) for free, and decrease the difficulty of the activation roll by 1. They also gain a dot of Charisma.
Pack Traits: Members of Singing Dog’s pack gain access to three dots of Expression, and three points of Gnosis.
Ban: Singing Dog is all but extinct in the wild. However, her iconic howls ring out across New Guinea. For one full day of every full moon, Singing Dog’s pack must go completely unseen, but a great number of people must hear their howls.
Source: RATW p. 120

Background Cost: 5
It’s never clear if patron spirits that answer to names of human gods really are the god in question, normal spirits mistaken by humans are gods, or just a canny spirit pretending to be a god to the humans. Perhaps it’s no wonder that many of these gods are Patron of Cunning, and one of the best known among the Garou is Tezcatlipoca.
Tezcatlipoca test the Garou (as well as other Fera) by offering them illicit powers or pleasures and seeing which ones succumb. The offers are never sincere, though, and those who accept he leads into situations where they can be caught and punished. A Glass Walker pack in Mexico City that follows him have started to call him the “Police Entrapment God,” and he doesn’t seem to mind. There are also Bone Gnawers, Shadow Lords and Older Brother packs devoted to him.
Individual Traits: The children of Tezcatlipoca are blessed with the ability to seem persuasive and logical, each receiving +1 Manipulation and +1 Subterfuge.
Pack Traits: He also allows his packs to know about the culture of temptation in any time, offering +3 Streetwise and +1 Occult.
Ban: Tezcatlipoca’s children must demonstrate that they are not among those weak and prone to temptation. They are not permitted to indulge in displays of casual hedonism, such as drunkenness or one-night stands.
Source: Player's Guide Revised p. 142