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Patrons of Respect

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2021 5:49 am
by Storyteller
As spirits representative of virtue and honor, werewolves look to these grand spirits for advice on leadership and diplomacy. Some of the greatest Garou leaders have followed patrons of respect.

Background Cost: 5
Held in high esteem by many Native American tribes, Bison is both calm and warlike, serene yet determined. Garou adopted by Bison admire their spirit father for his methodical logic, stubborn survival, and willful war skills. As an American patron, he most commonly adopts Older and Younger Brother packs.
Individual Traits: Bison offers his children +1 Animal Ken, +1 Enigmas and +2 Survival.
Pack Traits: In addition, they may raw on three extra Willpower points per story.
Ban: Bison’s children must not be wasteful and must always use part of something they kill to a practical purpose. (In the case of Black Spiral Dancers and other such enemies, the possessions of one’s kill may suffice.)
Source: Player's Guide Revised p. 135

Digital Eye
Background Cost: 6
Some call him “The God in the Machine,” others more derisively “Big Brother,” but he has always preferred to be known as Digital Eye. A powerful spirit that no one has seen personally, Digital Eye may well have existed as long as the earliest computers; it is only in the modern age of wide-area networks that he has grown in power enough to sponsor packs. Digital Eye believes in total equality through total honesty; secrets hold power and only by obliterating that power can any sort of level playing field be established. As such, Digital Eye is still seen as a maverick patron, even among the Glass Walkers, many of whom object to him on privacy grounds. Others, however, feel that the strength he brings outweighs such concerns.
Individual Traits: For all secrets that are available in digital form, Digital Eye offers each of his children +3 Computers and +3 Security.
Pack Traits: Digital Eye knows, however, that not all secrets are available in digital form and thus teaches his packs the Gift: Blur of the Milky Eye.
Ban: Digital Eye only communicates through computers, either visually on screens or aurally through speakers. As such, he is unable to confer any of his blessings if his child is not carrying at least a palm top computer. In addition, none of his children may hold back any secrets from anyone who is not of the Wyrm. He does, however, make an exception for the Litany tenet “The Veil Shall Not Be Lifted.”
Source: Player's Guide Revised p. 136

Background Cost: 5
Elk is built to bear the heavy burden of its antler crown, just as lawgivers must bear the weight of their duties as judges and arbiters, and to both, balance is vital. Elk teaches his followers to think carefully and thoroughly before taking actions or making judgment. Cautious Elk was weakened by the corruption of those he had given his patronage to. Now, he rarely is convinced to serve as a Patron to Garou, fearing another betrayal.
Individual Traits: Those who follow Elk gain two extra dice to any Investigation rolls regarding ferreting out the truth.
Pack Traits: Packs that follow Elk can call on three dots of Law and three dots of Investigation per story. As well, those of the Philodox auspice are well disposed to them.
Ban: Elk requires that its followers never refuse to listen to both sides of any argument.
Source: TB:WH p. 72

Background Cost: 5
Falcon is one of the noblest spirits, befitting of the Silver Fangs’ tribal patron. His piercing eyes see deep into the hearts of his children, inspiring the valorous and rewarding the honorable. Falcon is known as a bringer of unity to the Silver Fangs and to the Garou as a whole, and he remains above rumors of in-breeding among his chosen tribe.
Individual Traits: Followers of Falcon gain three dots of Leadership.
Pack Traits: Packs that follow Falcon gain the Level Two Philodox Gift Command the Gathering.
Ban: Dishonor is worse than death to Falcon: none of Falcon’s children can ever lose permanent Honor Renown. If they do, they must either put right the wrong immediately, or perform a Rite of Contrition and further atone for their dishonor by hurling themselves at a powerful minion of the Wyrm. On the one hand, it’s likely to be a suicide run. On the other, their blood will wash away the stain on their names — as would their victory.
Source: W20 p. 373

Grandfather Thunder
Background Cost: 7
Grandfather Thunder is feared rather than respected by many Garou, and that suits his Shadow Lords just fine. Thunder is a patient and subtle patron, whose influence builds over time to an almighty crescendo. Most of his patron avatars are Stormcrows, who act as go-betweens for the Incarna and his chosen.
Individual Traits: Followers of Grandfather Thunder gain two extra dice to any Intimidation rolls when they invoke Thunder’s name.
Pack Traits: Packs that follow Grandfather Thunder gain three dots of Etiquette, as well as five points of Willpower per story. Shadow Lords follow their activities with interest.
Ban: Thunder’s children must not accord their peers and their rivals more respect than those werewolves have earned through their actions. Sycophancy goes against Thunder’s nature.
Source: W20 p. 373

Background Cost: 7
Though small, Frog carries a respect among the Garou that belies her meager size, especially among the Older and Younger Brothers. Like Gaia’s chosen, Frog is a shapeshifter spirit and a predator. As a spirit of change, bound by the changing water levels brought by tides and temperature, Frog is associated with the seasonal changes, as well as with both Luna and Helios. If asked properly, Frog will guard her children’s lands well and make them prosper, and her many years of guarding caerns have made her a highly honored patron.
Individual Traits: Frog is adept at understanding the four forces of the world: the Seasons, the Elements, the Triat, and Gaia. As such, she teaches her children the Gift: Elemental Favor, focusing on the classical elements. With this Gift, Frog’s children can summon rain with water elementals, so long as there are already clouds.
Pack Traits: Frog also keenly maps the land of the heart, and her packs receive + 2 Empathy.
Ban: Though a ruler of the seasons, Frog is also bound by them. Frog’s children suffer a +1 difficulty penalty to all rolls during the winter.
Source: Player's Guide Revised p. 136

Leo, Barbary Lion of Honor
Background Cost: 5
The Garou distrust those that would let their children fall, and thus the ancient patron of the White Howlers doesn’t curry as much favor as one of his strength otherwise might. However, some packs appreciate Lion’s dominant approach to leadership, particularly those among the Red Talons and Silver Fangs who share with him a respect for tradition. Lion is eager to adopt such packs.
Individual Traits: : Those who follow Lion gain 1 dot in Brawl or Melee (chosen when the character gains Lion’s patronage).
Elders and those who are particularly respectful of tradition are well-inclined towards followers of Lion. His followers make rolls to impress elders at -1 difficulty. (Lion has always known how to appeal to tradition. In the case of an unusually progressive elder, the Storyteller may waive this bonus.)
Pack Traits: Lion’s packs gain +3 Animal Ken and may draw upon an extra two Willpower points per story.
Ban: Lion’s children must destroy anyone who would hunt wild animals for pleasure.
Source: Player's Guide Revised p. 135 & TB:WH p. 72, condensed.

Background Cost: 5
Mammoth watched his true children die close to four thousand years ago, and has been dying ever since. Had Griffin not sheltered him, he'd no doubt have perished altogether by now, but even Griffin can't stop his slow death. Mammoth, even in his last years, teaches his adopted children to exercise their might wisely and conservatively. Even when punishment is justified, for example, Mammoth frowns upon any more (or less) punishment than necessary. He is most popular among the Get of Fenris, Children of Gaia, and especially the Red Talons.
Individual Traits: Each of Mammoth's children gains Enigmas +2.
Pack Traits: The pack gains two dice of Strength. As the dark eye of the Apocalypse sets its gaze on Mammoth, those Garou who follow him sense his panic and despair, gaining 2 Rage and 1 Gnosis.
Ban: Mammoth now asks his charges for one thing only: Attempt to save his descent into destruction, by any means necessary.
Source: Player's Guide Revised p. 136

Background Cost: 4
Pegasus is a protector of sacred places, much like the Black Furies it supports. Appearing as a winged horse with fire in its eyes, Pegasus can teach Gifts of travel and air to those it chooses. The Get of Fenris have long troubled Pegasus, possibly due to their rivalry with the Black Furies. As such, Pegasus has not yet accepted any pack that counts one of the Get as a member.
Individual Traits: Pegasus’ children gain two points of Athletics. Black Furies are well disposed towards the pack.
Pack Traits: Pegasus’ packs can call on three dots of Animal Ken and three points of Willpower per story.
Ban: Children of Pegasus cannot refuse offer help to females of any species, especially young females.
Source: W20 p. 373

Background Cost: 7
Regarded by the Aztec, Toltec and Maya as holy, this green and red bird most commonly aids the Older Brothers, but will adopt any Garou pack that demonstrates sufficient grace, honesty, and fairness. More than anything else, Quetzal is concerned with justice and will not tolerate his children harming those who have done nothing to deserve it.
Individual Traits: Each member of a pack adopted by Quetzal gains +1 Etiquette, +1 Melee and +2 Leadership.
Pack Traits: Quetzal bestows upon his packs one extra point of Appearance, in addition to three additional points of Willpower per story.
Ban: Quetzal’s children may not act rudely or shamefully, nor may they inflict violence upon someone without a valid pretext.
Source: Player's Guide Revised p. 136

Background Cost: 8
Known to the ancient Romans as Minerva, Sulis was the British Celtic goddess of thermal springs and was also a goddess of healing. As worshipped by the Garou, Sulis is a spirit of balance and harmony, earning respect and leading by improving those around her. She is not only a goddess of water, but her name reflects the Sun and fire. Her temples are also decorated with the symbols of the air and earth. Sulis teaches that devoting yourself to your charges is an excellent way to guarantee their devotion to you, and as evidence of this she observes that indeed, she is mother to many packs. These packs are most commonly Fianna and Glass Walkers (who more commonly call her Minerva). She is deeply disliked by the Black Furies, who consider her an agent of the Patriarchy. Some, however, have begun to follow her in an attempt to win her over.
Individual Traits: Sulis is a goddess of healing, and teaches each of her children +1 Medicine and the Black Fury Level One Gift: Wyld Resurgence.
Pack Traits: Packs following Sulis gain a -1 difficulty to any roll involved in instructing another and +3 Leadership to reflect this acumen.
Ban: Followers of Sulis must never deny a request for help learning something. Even if no one in the pack possesses the skills or knowledge necessary to teach them, they must help point them down the path to learn what they want to know.
Source: Player's Guide Revised p. 136

Background Cost: 7
Reindeer stands tall, stands proud, despite the terrible conditions of his living space. Reindeer is a patron of pride and survival; he teaches his followers to not let setbacks and circumstance weigh them down. Reindeer is all the stronger for his ability to stand against the odds. He’s not Cockroach, who will hide from the environment.
Individual Traits: While standing their ground — not moving more than a few steps on their turn — a follower of Reindeer reduces the difficulty of soak rolls by 2. Additionally, Reindeer’s followers gain a dot of Stamina.
Pack Traits: A pack to Reindeer has three points of Willpower available to spend, and can share three dots of Survival to share.
Ban: Reindeer’s followers rise to the occasion, and they stay standing. While they can dodge attacks in the heat of battle, they can’t dodge without attacking. Sometimes, Reindeer forgives avoidance of massive Wyrm emanations, and other grievous attacks. But that’s all at Reindeer’s discretion.
Source: RATW p. 121

Background Cost: 6
Stag is an ancient spirit of respect, far older than the Fianna who claim him as their patron. An embodiment of masculinity and the unrestrained power of nature, Stag has both light and dark sides. He gives the Garou their affinity with nature, and he teaches responsibility towards humans. He is also the master of the Wild Hunt, running wild until much blood is spilled in his name.
Individual Traits: Stag’s chosen gain an additional point of Stamina usable only for long-distance running. Fianna are well-disposed towards the pack, and faeries, spirits, and changelings may also honor them.
Pack Traits: Stag’s packs can access three dots of Survival and three points of Willpower per story.
Ban: Children of Stag can’t refuse to aid fae creatures and spirits when asked. They must also respect their prey at all times, including performing a Prayer for the Prey after every successful hunt.
Source: W20 p. 373

Background Cost: 5
The brother of Earthquake and Twister, Volcano stands forth and demands that all respect the power and honor of the Wyld. Though easily angered and difficult to reason with, those who patiently listen to the edicts of Volcano learn that honor is found in change and righteousness. Volcano teaches: Become whatever is needed in any time, but when you have adopted your new form, announce it, stand by it with resolve and never back down from your ideals even if they too must change as you do.
Individual Traits: Volcano grants his children the voice to speak their values and make the world listen; each member of his packs receives one additional point of Expression.
Pack Traits: So they can be adaptable and vengeful when needed, he also gives his packs +1 Strength and +1 Wits, and Primal-Urge 2.
Ban: Volcano forbids his children to ever attack an opponent without warning, and his packs must make a burnt offering to him once each lunar month.
Source: Player's Guide Revised p. 136