Signature Requirements
- Link to profile
- Name/Deed Name
- Obvious Attributes (Charisma, Appearance, 1s or very obvious 4+. Str 5 may be super noticeable, Int 5 less so at first glance.)
- Pure Breed (#, not tribe), Spirit Heritage over 3
- Rage
- Obvious Merits/Flaws (Huge Size/One Eye) that could be noticed on first glance/interaction
- Accent Origin (British, Boston, Australian, etc.) if anything but generic American
- A trigger warning for topics you would like to avoid in scenes, if applicable.
Signature Optional Content
- Rank, Breed, Tribe, Auspice
- Pack
- Gender/Pronouns
- Signature accessories/fetishes
- Recent changes that should be noticed on the character
- Some people choose to list flaws in red and merits in green. You can if you'd like. Rage in red is also good.
- Quote
Building Your Signature
To add a signature, look at the top right of this page. Click on your user name and select "User Control Panel". From there, select "Profile" and then "Edit Signature". OR, follow this link.
If you're uncertain how to code your signature, we've provided a template below. C&P the code if you want!
Code: Select all
[url=http://linktoyourprofilehere]Character Name, "Deed Name"[/url]
Rank, Breed, Tribe, Auspice
Charisma #, Appearance #, Obvious Attributes here
Pure Breed #, Spirit Heritage # (kind of spirit here), [color=#FF0000]Rage #[/color]
Obvious [color=#008000]Merits[/color]/[color=#BF0000]Flaws[/color]