In an effort to be more respectful of indigenous cultures, the following terms will be replaced wherever they occur in canon:
- Metis will be referred to as Crinos-born
- Totems will be referred to as Patrons
- Uktena will be referred to as Older Brother (Ghost Council is also recognized)
- Their patron spirit will be referred to as Horned Serpent
- Wendigo will be referred to as Younger Brother (Galestalkers is also recognized)
- Their patron spirit will be referred to as Winter Wind
- Patrons from Revised will be accepted, but modified to W20 standards as needed.
- We will accept gifts and rites from modern Revised (not W5, 2nd Ed, Wyld West, or Dark Ages) if they are not in W20.
- We have personally curated our Merits/Flaws to include some that didn't make it into W20.
- All Revised flavor/lore (including Tribe Books) are considered canon.
- All of the content in Revised books is fair game, but anything not in W20 will be updated by staff to W20, so make sure to ask about anything from Revised specifically.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to PM me, or post them here.