Templates will be added to this post as they're unlocked. Follow links for creation rules for the following:
Garou: Ranks 0-3
Corax: Ranks 0-1
Get of Fenris
Anything else for now
Character Creation Guide
Garou Creation Guide
Garou Creation Quick Guide
- Use the Garou Sheet Templates for the appropriate rank or kin. It'll have all the info you need.
- Starting Tempers are as follows:
Expanded Guide
1. Concept: Choose rank (0-3), breed, auspice, and tribe. List tempers.
3. Abilities: Prioritize the three categories: Talents, Skills, Knowledges (13/9/5). No Ability may be higher than 3 at this stage.
5. Freebies: Gain 15 Freebie Points. You may take Merits (as many as you can afford) and Flaws (up to 7 points worth, which can be added to Freebies).
6. Gain Starting XP: You can gain XP from the sources below. XP costs are posted here.
Freebie Costs
- Use the Garou Sheet Templates for the appropriate rank or kin. It'll have all the info you need.
- Starting Tempers are as follows:
- Rage is 1 for Ragabash, 2 for Theurge, 3 for Philodox, 4 for Galliard and 5 for Ahroun.
- Gnosis is 1 for Homid, 3 for Metis and 5 for Lupus.
- Willpower is 4 for Bone Gnawers, Children of Gaia, Stargazers and Wendigo, and 3 for all other tribes.
- List Name & Deed Name, Tribe, Breed, Auspice, Rank, Pack/Totem, Nature and Demeanor.
- Prioritize Attributes (7/5/3). Every attribute starts at a 1.
- Prioritize Abilities (13/9/5). Nothing above 3 with initial dots.
- Choose Backgrounds (10).
- Choose Gifts (3 Level One (1 from each BAT))
- Choose Rites (2 Level One + any gained from Rites Background)
- Choose Flaws (up to 7) and Merits.
- Record Willpower, Rage and Gnosis and spend Freebies (15).
- Gain XP ([20 Cub/Cliath, 30 Fostern, 40 Adren], 10 Background, 5 Timeline, 5 Songs).
Expanded Guide
1. Concept: Choose rank (0-3), breed, auspice, and tribe. List tempers.
- Breed: Homid (Gnosis 1), Metis (Gnosis 3), Lupus (Gnosis 5)
- Auspice: Ragabash (Rage 1), Theurge (Rage 2), Philodox (Rage 3), Galliard (Rage 4), Ahroun (Rage 5)
- Tribe:
- Black Furies (WP 3)
- Bone Gnawers (WP 4, Resources are discouraged; Ancestors and Pure Breed are restricted)
- Children of Gaia (WP 4)
- Fianna (WP 3, Kinfolk recommended)
- Get of Fenris (Restricted, WP 3, Contacts are discouraged)
- Glass Walkers (WP 3, Ancestors and Pure Breed are restricted; Mentor is discouraged.)
- Red Talons (WP 3, Allies, Contacts and Fame are discouraged; Resources is restricted. Their only Kinfolk are wolves.)
- Shadow Lords (WP 3, Allies and Mentor are discouraged.)
- Silent Striders (WP 3, Ancestors is restricted; Resources is discouraged.)
- Silver Fangs (WP 3, All Silver Fangs must purchase at least three dots of Pure Breed.)
- Stargazers (WP 4, Allies, Fetish, and Resources are discouraged.)
- Uktena (WP 3)
- Wendigo (WP 4, Contacts and Resources are discouraged.)
3. Abilities: Prioritize the three categories: Talents, Skills, Knowledges (13/9/5). No Ability may be higher than 3 at this stage.
- Lupus PCs may not select Academics, Computers, Crafts, Drive, Etiquette, Firearms, Larceny, Law, Science or Technology with initial points, but may buy them with Freebies.
5. Freebies: Gain 15 Freebie Points. You may take Merits (as many as you can afford) and Flaws (up to 7 points worth, which can be added to Freebies).
6. Gain Starting XP: You can gain XP from the sources below. XP costs are posted here.
- Rank: Cliath/Cub gain +20 xp, Fostern gain +30 xp, and Adren gain +40 xp.
- Background: 10 XP
- Timeline: 5 XP
- Songs: 1 XP per song up to 5.
Freebie Costs
Trait | Cost |
Attributes | 5 per dot |
Abilities | 2 per dot |
Backgrounds | 1 per dot |
Gifts | 7 per Gift (Level One only) |
Rage | 1 per dot |
Gnosis | 2 per dot |
Willpower | 1 per dot |
Kinfolk Creation Guide
Kinfolk Creation Quick Guide
- Use the Kinfolk Sheet Templates for the appropriate rank or kin. It'll have all the info you need.
- Starting Willpower for kinfolk is 3.
Sheet Basics:
Expanded Guide
1. Concept: Choose tribe, would-be auspice, Nature, and Demeanor. List Willpower as 3. Note the following Background restrictions:
3. Abilities: Prioritize the three categories: Talents, Skills, Knowledges (11/7/4). No Ability may be higher than 3 at this stage.
5. Freebies: Gain 21 Freebie Points. You may take Merits (as many as you can afford) and Flaws (up to 7 points worth, which can be added to Freebies).
6. Gain Starting XP: You can gain XP from the sources below. XP costs are posted here.
- Use the Kinfolk Sheet Templates for the appropriate rank or kin. It'll have all the info you need.
- Starting Willpower for kinfolk is 3.
Sheet Basics:
- List Name, Tribe, Breed, Would-Be Auspice, Nature and Demeanor.
- Prioritize Attributes (6/4/3). Every attribute starts at a 1.
- Prioritize Abilities (11/7/4). Nothing above 3 with initial dots.
- Choose Backgrounds (5).
- Choose Flaws (up to 7) and Merits.
- Record Willpower and spend Freebies (21).
- Gain up to 40 XP (20 Kinfolk, 10 Background, 5 Timeline, 5 Songs).
Expanded Guide
1. Concept: Choose tribe, would-be auspice, Nature, and Demeanor. List Willpower as 3. Note the following Background restrictions:
- Bone Gnawers may not purchase Pure Breed or more than three dots of Resources.
- Glass Walkers may not purchase Pure Breed or Mentor.
- Red Talons may not purchase Resources or human Allies or Contacts.
- Shadow Lords may not purchase Mentor.
- Silent Striders may not purchase more than three dots of Resources.
- Silver Fangs must purchase at least one point of Pure Breed. (Kinfolk Silver Fang bloodlines may be born without Pure Breed, but the tribe does not recognize them as true Silver Fang Kin.)
- Stargazers may not purchase more than three dots of Resources.
- Wendigo may not purchase more than three dots of Resources.
3. Abilities: Prioritize the three categories: Talents, Skills, Knowledges (11/7/4). No Ability may be higher than 3 at this stage.
- Lupus PCs may not select Academics, Computers, Crafts, Drive, Etiquette, Firearms, Larceny, Law, Science or Technology with initial points, but may buy them with Freebies.
5. Freebies: Gain 21 Freebie Points. You may take Merits (as many as you can afford) and Flaws (up to 7 points worth, which can be added to Freebies).
6. Gain Starting XP: You can gain XP from the sources below. XP costs are posted here.
- Kinfolk: 20 XP
- Background: 10 XP
- Timeline: 5 XP
- Songs: 1 XP per song up to 5.
Trait | Cost |
Attributes | 5 per dot |
Abilities | 2 per dot |
Backgrounds | 1 per dot |
Willpower | 1 per dot |
Corax Creation Guide
Corax Creation Quick Guide
- Use the Corax Sheet Templates for the appropriate rank or kin. It'll have all the info you need.
- Starting Tempers are as follows: Rage 1, Gnosis 6, and Willpower 3.
Sheet Basics:
Expanded Guide
1. Concept: Choose rank (0-3), breed (Homid or Corvus), auspice (Ragabash), and tribe (Chasers, Leshy, Hermetic Order of Swift Light, The Gulls of Battle, The Morrigan, Murder's Daughters, the Sun-Lost, or Tulugaq). List Tempers.
2. Attributes: Prioritize the three categories: Physical, Social, Mental (7/5/3). Note that each Attribute starts with one dot before you add any. List a specialty on any Attribute at 4 or higher.
3. Abilities: Prioritize the three categories: Talents, Skills, Knowledges (13/9/5). No Ability may be higher than 3 at this stage.
5. Freebies: Gain 15 Freebie Points. You may take Merits (as many as you can afford) and Flaws (up to 7 points worth, which can be added to Freebies).
6. Gain Starting XP: You can gain XP from the sources below. XP costs are posted here.
And here's your friendly reminder to NEVER GO CRINOS WHERE PEOPLE CAN SEE YOU!
- Use the Corax Sheet Templates for the appropriate rank or kin. It'll have all the info you need.
- Starting Tempers are as follows: Rage 1, Gnosis 6, and Willpower 3.
Sheet Basics:
- List Name & Deed Name, Tribe, Breed, Auspice, Rank, Nature and Demeanor.
- Prioritize Attributes (7/5/3). Every attribute starts at a 1.
- Prioritize Abilities (13/9/5). Nothing above 3 with initial dots. Add +1 Subterfuge, +1 Enigmas, and +1 Athletics as Raven's Gifts.
- Choose Backgrounds (5).
- Choose Gifts (3 Level One from Corax list)
- Choose Rites (2 Level One + any gained from Rites Background)
- Choose Flaws (up to 7) and Merits.
- Record Willpower (3), Rage (1) and Gnosis (6) and spend Freebies (15).
- Gain up to 40 XP (20 Corax, 10 Background, 5 Timeline, 5 Songs).
Expanded Guide
1. Concept: Choose rank (0-3), breed (Homid or Corvus), auspice (Ragabash), and tribe (Chasers, Leshy, Hermetic Order of Swift Light, The Gulls of Battle, The Morrigan, Murder's Daughters, the Sun-Lost, or Tulugaq). List Tempers.
2. Attributes: Prioritize the three categories: Physical, Social, Mental (7/5/3). Note that each Attribute starts with one dot before you add any. List a specialty on any Attribute at 4 or higher.
3. Abilities: Prioritize the three categories: Talents, Skills, Knowledges (13/9/5). No Ability may be higher than 3 at this stage.
- Corvid PCs may not select Computer, Law, Linguistics, Medicine, Politics, or Science with initial points, but may buy them with Freebies. They also gain +2 Flight for free.)
- Homid PCs may not select Flight with initial points, but may buy them with Freebies.
5. Freebies: Gain 15 Freebie Points. You may take Merits (as many as you can afford) and Flaws (up to 7 points worth, which can be added to Freebies).
6. Gain Starting XP: You can gain XP from the sources below. XP costs are posted here.
- Corax: 20 XP
- Background: 10 XP
- Timeline: 5 XP
- Songs: 1 XP per song up to 5.
Trait | Cost |
Attributes | 5 per dot |
Abilities | 2 per dot |
Backgrounds | 1 per dot |
Gifts | 7 per Gift (Level One only) |
Rage | 1 per dot |
Gnosis | 2 per dot |
Willpower | 1 per dot |