Ian Rowley

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Ian Rowley
Posts: 13
Joined: Thu Nov 10, 2022 5:24 am

Ian Rowley

Post by Ian Rowley »

Name: Ian Rowley
Deed Name: Zephyr
Online Handle: CoolBreeze
Profession: Courier (Long & Short Distance)

Apparent Age: 20s or maybe 30s
Height: 6'2"
Build: Ectomorph
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue-Grey

Breed: Homid
Auspice: Ragabash
Tribe: Hermetic Order of Swift Light
Rank: Oviculum

Physical Appearance/Distinguishing Characteristics
Tall and slim with a well-defined and hirsute physique. Usually dressed in jeans and a t-shirt with either a button-up shirt or jacket (weather depending) over it. Usually looks slightly windblown, with ruffled hair or feathers depending on current form. In the Umbra his hair and feathers seem to perpetually have a soft breeze making them slightly move.

None that are obvious.

None that are obvious.

Common Knowledge
-Way too curious for his own good even if his own good is paramount to him.
-Just as likely to have landed on that high spot in bird form as he is to have climbed up there as a human.
-He has a faint twinge of New York City in his voice when he speaks.
-Really good at vocal mimicry and whistling.

-Nothing but a troublemaker and malcontent who's out for himself.
-Garou kinfolk that was poached by the Corax.

Character Theme Songs
I Like Birds - Eels
Ride the Wind - Poison
Given to Fly - Pearl Jam
Wind of Change - Scorpions
Arabesque No.1 - Isao Tomita
Riding on the Wind - Judas Priest
Joker and the Thief - Wolfmother
Ian Rowley | Zephyr
Homid Corax Oviculum | Rage 2 |Spirit Heritage 3 (Wind Spirits)
CHA 3 | MAN 3 | APP 2 | PER 4 (Keen-Eyed)
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