Silvestro -Sly- de Vitis

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Silvestro -Sly- de Vitis

Post by Sly »

Name: Silvestro "Sly" de Vitis
Deedname: Your Humblest Servant
Online Handle: @transwolfatyourservice
Pronouns: He/him (AFAB)

Apparent Age: 25
Height: 4'5''
Build: Somewhat out of shape, clearly having had easier the post-Veil.
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Murky Green

Breed: Lupus
Tribe: Shadow Lords
Auspice: Galliard

Rank: Fostern
Sept Position: N/A
Pack: N/A
Camp: Children of Crow

Profession: General handy-wolf.
Fame: Nothing atm.


Physical Appearance/Distinguishing Characteristics:

Homid: A short ( 154cm) person of ambiguous gender dressed in simple clothing, almost always smiling and rather relaxed.

Lupus: A short wolf with a distinctive face mask and just enough black on him to look like a Shadow Lord. The subspecies is most likely a cross between Italian and Iberian wolves.

Obvious Merits/Flaws: Animal Musk, Docile.

Common Knowledge:

-Is FtM trans, though it is not what he posts mostly about.
- Is known to be a bit of a manipulator.
-Rarely if ever takes the spotlight.

-Is planning something for sure.
-He must be faking his less feral looks.

Character Theme Song(s):
- My little Pony Movie - I'm the Friend you need
-Set it off- Why Worry?
-Mother Mother- No Culture
-Bronze Radio Return- Everything Moves
-Sonata Arctica- Silver Tongue
Silvestro "Sly" de Vitis / Your Humblest Servant
Lupus/Shadow Lord/Fostern/Galliard | Rage 4 | Purebreed 1 |Cha 4 | Animal Musk, Docile
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