Cassidy "Failsafe" Clearwater

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Cassidy "Failsafe" Clearwater

Post by Failsafe »

Name: Cassidy Clearwater
Deedname: Failsafe

Apparent Age: Late 20s
Height: 5'10"
Build: Amazonian/Statuesque
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue

Breed: Homid
Tribe: Child of Gaia
Auspice: Ahroun

Rank: Adren
Pack: Alpha of G.O.A.T. under the Goat himself
Sept Position: Wyrm Foe
Camp: Imminent Strike

Physical Appearance/Distinguishing Characteristics: Simply put, Failsafe looks like a superhero poorly masquerading as an every day reporter. She's tall, statuesque, vaguely ripped, and still pretty much the sweetest, prettiest blonde you could think of. Her personality is generally pleasant and unassuming, but the woman's undeniable rage draws that into a very intense, almost aggressive support. Still, behind her Clark Kent glasses, you'd never expect it.

Obvious Merits/Flaws: Calm Heart, Family Support, "Bad Sight"

Common Knowledge: The Wyrm Foe of the Sept of New Heights for the past few years. Cassidy has made her living by learning to edit videos to save the sept streamers the trouble. She has a family of Coggie kin that she refers to as her "cheer section", who have been pretty downtrodden lately with the failure of the tribe's first campaign to try and restore the good name of garou.

  • Yeah, those glasses are 100% fake.
  • Working on a novel of her garou experiences.
  • Moonlights as a secret vigilante superhero.
  • Has had three negative thoughts in her entire life.
  • Playing sekrit matchmaker for her thousand siblings and cousins.
  • Can't actually fight.
  • Has a YouTube video somewhere of her ripping phonebooks in half that got taken down as a veil concern when that was still a thing.
  • Has a heart tattoo on her stomach she shows to people who need the Care Bear Stare. Get it? 'Cos she's Tenderheart? You get it.
  • Does not understand Gen Z slang. At all.
  • Her family has Spirit Heritage: Rabbit.
Character Theme Song(s):
Cassidy "Failsafe" Clearwater
Wyrmfoe | Alpha of G.O.A.T.
Homid/Child of Gaia/Adren/Ahroun | Rage 5 | Purebreed 1
Charisma 3, Appearance 3, Physical 4s
Calm Heart, Family Support | 'Bad Sight'
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