Leon Dietrich

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Leon Dietrich

Post by Dietrich »

Name: Leon Dietrich
Online Handle: N/A
Pronouns: he/him

Apparent Age: 25
Height: 5'11"
Build: Lean and lanky
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue

Breed: Homid
Tribe: Bone Gnawer
Would be Auspice: Ragabash

Subaltern: N/A
Fellowship: N/A
Profession: Landscaper
Fame: N/A

Physical Appearance/Distinguishing Characteristics:
Dietrich's fingernails are almost never clean--if he doesn't have dirt under them from work, he's got clay under them from throwing pottery. He smells strongly of cigarette smoke, grass, fresh earth, and, frequently, Red Bull.

Obvious Merits/Flaws:
Criminal Record
Healthy Skepticism

Common Knowledge:
Dietrich grew up the son of single mother and spent most of his adolescence in and out of trouble. He struggled from a young age with bipolar disorder and episodes of rage, culminating in his expulsion from school when he was 14. He attended an alternative high school program until dropping out at age 16.

By then, he'd developed an addiction to painkillers, and when he was 17, he was arrested and tried for burglary, felony larceny, and involuntary manslaughter after a B&E he was involved with went south. He was tried as an adult and sentenced to 8 years in prison. He was released in early 2022, after which he moved back into his late mother's house. He currently works as a landscaper.

These days, Dietrich is quiet, reserved, and a little awkward, prone to depression more often than mania. He has only recently begun interacting with the kin and Garou of New Heights.

-Dietrich was expelled from school for stabbing another student.
-Dietrich was expelled from school for punching a teacher.
-The "friends" Dietrich was arrested with were Spiral kin.

Character Theme Song(s):
Stay Alive - Hidden Citizens & REMMI
Black Out Days - Phantogram
Moderation - Florence + the Machine
Hellfire - Barns Courtney
Manic - Coleman Hell
Leon Dietrich
Homid, Bone Gnawer, Kinfolk
Charisma 3, Appearance 3
Healthy Skepticism | Criminal Record
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